Lansinoh, NaturalWave Nipples, Slow Flow, 2 Nipples

  • Виробник: Lansinoh
  • Код товару: LSH-71027
  • upc код: 044677710275.
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вага товару: 0.12 кг. Розміри (ДxШxВ): 14.2x8.1x5.3 см.
  • ₴763
  • ₴625

Підтримка по:

Докладно про товар Lansinoh, NaturalWave Nipples, Slow Flow, 2 Nipples :

  • Clinically Proven to Reduce Nipple Confusion
  • East Transition Between Breast & Bottle
  • Enables Natural Feeding Actions
  • AVS - Air Ventilation System Reduces Potential Cause of Gas
  • BPA BPS Free
  • Super soft silicone enables baby to use natural feeding actions and reduces nipple confusion.

    Compresses to allow natural wavelike tongue movement.

    Stretches to allow baby to use natural suck, swallow, breath pattern.

    AVS™ reduces intake of air

    Air ventilation system reduces intake of air, a potential cause of colic or spit up.

    Collapse resistant for easy feeding.

    Inner vertical grooves make the nipple collapse resistant.

    Matte surface for secure latch.

    Enables baby to get a secure latch and seal on the nipple.

    Рекомендації із застосування

    Cleaning: Before first use, clean the product. Always wash the product immediately after each use. The feeding nipple can also be washed in hot soapy water and rinsed in clean water or on the top rack of a dishwasher. Safe to clean in a microwave-safe, steam sterilizer bag and special sterilizing machine. Do not clean with solvents or harsh chemicals. Frequent re-boiling is NOT recommended.

    Storage & Use:

    Inspect before each use and pull the feeding nipple in all directions to check the product. Throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness. For safety and hygiene reasons, replace the nipple every 7 weeks. Before first use, boil the feeding nipple for 5 minutes, allow to cool, and thoroughly rinse. Ensure all parts are completely covered in water and free floating.

    Do not leave the feeding nipple in direct sunlight or heat, or leave in disinfectant ("sterilizing solution"), as this may weaken the nipple. Do not clean, store or allow feeding nipple to come into contact with solvents or harsh chemicals.

    Damage could result. When not in use, store in a dry and covered place. Do not leave the product in direct sunlight or heat or leave in disinfectant

    ("sterilizing solution") for longer than recommended as this may weaken the feeding nipple.


    Allowing your child to use this product for prolonged periods separate from regular mealtimes or to go to sleep while drinking liquids, other than water, from this nipple may cause or contribute to early childhood tooth decay.

    Always use this product with adult supervision. Keep all components not in use out of the reach of children. Do not leave baby alone with drinking equipment due to the risk of choking, baby falling or if the product has disassembled. Never use feeding nipple as a pacifier or soother. Always check food temperature before feeding.

    Some juices and sterile solutions may make the silicone become opaque. This does not alter any of its properties. Heating in a microwave oven may produce localized high temperatures. Take extra care when microwave heating and always stir heated food to ensure even heat distribution. Always test the temperature before serving

    Packaging materials are not part of the product. For your child's safety, please remove and discard all packaging materials prior to use but read and retain the instructions for future reference

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