DenTek, Comfort-Fit Dental Guard, 2 Dental Guards + 1 Storage Case

  • Виробник: DenTek
  • Код товару: DTK-00151
  • upc код: 047701001516.
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вага товару: 0.17 кг. Розміри (ДxШxВ): 17.9x9.7x5.1 см.
  • ₴2443
  • ₴1999

Підтримка по:

Докладно про товар DenTek, Comfort-Fit Dental Guard, 2 Dental Guards + 1 Storage Case :

  • Lasts up to 1 Year
  • Slim, Secure Fit
  • Ready to Wear
  • Durable Bite-Pads
  • Separate & Protect Teeth
  • For Nighttime Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)
  • No Boiling
  • Less Bulk = More Comfort
  • Germ Shield™
  • Comfortable Retention Wall
  • Adjustable Band
  • Durable Non-Bulky Bite-Pads
  • BPA Free
  • Sleep easy knowing your teeth are protected with Dentek's comfort-fit dental guard.

    What are the effects of nighttime teeth grinding/bruxism?

    Nighttime bruxism can put 250 lbs of force on the teeth-enough to crack a walnut! DenTek® Comfort-Fit® Dental Guard protects teeth from clenching and grinding.

    How does DenTek® Comfort-Fit® Dental Guard provide full-level protection during nighttime sleep grinding with such a slim design?

    DenTek® Comfort-Fit® is a no boil, ready-to-use dental guard. The non-bulky bite pads help to prevent your upper and lower teeth from touching. By placing the dental guard over one lower molar pair, you get the same level of protection as a full coverage dental guard.


    2 Ready to wear dental guards

    1 Antimicrobial* storage case

    What guard is right for me?

    Comfort-fit: Slim fit guard

  • Ready to wear
  • Slim Design
  • Professional Fit: Full Coverage Guard

  • Heat & Wear
  • Max Protection
  • *Antimicrobial properties are built-in to case to inhibit the growth of bacteria that may affect this case. The antimicrobial properties do not protect users or others against bacteria, viruses, germs, or other disease organisms. Always clean and wash this product thoroughly before and after each use.

    Рекомендації із застосування

    Instantly Fit Your Guard

    Complete fitting instructions are inside the package.

  • Adjust
  • Wear
  • Попередження

    Do not use:

  • As a sports mouthpiece. The product designed to absorb top-to bottom pressure not shock absorption.
  • If you are under 18 years of age.
  • For more than three months without consulting your dentist.
  • If you have loose teeth or teeth that can wiggle.
  • If your dentist has told you that you have temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain or clicking of the jaw.
  • If you have any pain from teeth grinding, or other forms of tooth or jaw pain.
  • If you have dental implants, or wear dentures, braces or other dental appliances.
  • Ask a dentist before use if you have:

  • Major health problems or serious breathing or respiratory conditions.
  • Oral sores, bleeding gums or any gum disease.
  • Cavities that have no fillings, or loose fillings or caps.
  • Difficulty chewing or pain of the jaw, teeth or face.
  • Two or more missing teeth.
  • Stop use and ask a dentist if:

  • You develop soreness, bleeding gums or any other reaction inside your mouth.
  • You develop jaw pain, teeth pain, ear pain, headache, neck stiffness, or joint clicking when using this product.
  • The same symptoms persist after over a month of use.
  • The product falls out of your mouth easily.
  • The product disrupts breathing, feels uncomfortable or causes you to gag.
  • You have a change in your bite that persists more than a few minutes after removing the product.
  • See your dentist every six months.

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