Maxim Hygiene Products, Ultra Thin Winged Pads, With Natural Silver ION Technology, Regular, 10 Pads

  • Виробник: Maxim Hygiene Products
  • Код товару: MXM-00138
  • upc код: 895199001385.
  • Наявність: Є в наявності
  • Вага товару: 0.16 кг. Розміри (ДxШxВ): 10.2x10.4x7.9 см.
  • ₴975
  • ₴798

Підтримка по:

Докладно про товар Maxim Hygiene Products, Ultra Thin Winged Pads, With Natural Silver ION Technology, Regular, 10 Pads :

  • Soft, Safe and Natural
  • MaxION® Natural Cotton
  • For Enhanced Protection Against Irritation & Odor
  • Fragrance Free
  • Unique Designs for More Comfort and Better Protection

  • MaxION® Silver & Tourmaline Strip
  • 100% Natural Cotton Top Sheet
  • Leakage Control Channels
  • Winged
  • Individually Wrapped
  • Adhesive Strip
  • Breathable Leak Protection Back Layer
  • 100% Natural Cotton Absorbent Core
  • About MaxION® Technology

    MaxION® products combine the benefits of pure chlorine free cotton with the Natural powers of Silver and Tourmaline ions, scientifically based detoxifiers that provide an extra layer of protection against irritation and odor.

    Maxim is the original Pure Cotton Menstrual and Personal Care Products brand, offering a comprehensive line of organic and natural cotton products to keep you feeling soft, safe and natural.

    No Chlorine Bleaching - We use hydrogen peroxide as a natural disinfectant.

    ​Non-Irritating - The natural breathable qualities of 100% cotton can lower the risk of irritation.

    Modern Fit - Maintaining product performance while keeping your health and environment safe.

    Wood Pulp Free - More breathable, absorbent and saves trees.

    Eco-Friendly - Decomposes easily for less waste.

    Рекомендації із застосування

    To Use: Peel plastic wrapper off the pad, remove back paper strip, center pad on panty, press down and fold wings under.

    To Dispose: Remove Pad from panty, wrap the Pad in bath tissue and dispose into waste bin.

    Інші інгредієнти

    Natural cotton top sheet and absorbent core, MaxION® silver and tourmaline strip, PE breathable backsheet, adhesive strip, PE wrapper.

    Покупець 2025-03-10


    Покупець 2025-03-10

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